Knights of Columbus Council 17984
The Knights of Columbus have had a presence in the Parish since 1976 when Council 6770 was formed. The last number of years have been difficult on Council 6770 with members getting older and not many new young Catholic men coming forward to carry on the work. The year 2020 saw the Council begin the process of merging with Council 8094 (Saint Rose Worship Site) to form a new and larger council.
Our Lady of the Rosary, Council 17984 was granted a Charter on the 16th of May 2022 to serve the Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption and the former parish of Saint Rose of Lima, now known as Saint Rose Worship Site. So with the coming together of the two Councils, we now boast a membership of 250 Catholic men dedicated to the principles of charity, unity and fraternity.
The Knights of Columbus are found in 17 Countries and 4 Territories of the world with a total membership of just over 2 million Catholic men.
Charity being the first principle of the Order, our Council here in Saint John West, has contributed to many groups, individuals and charitable organizations over the years.
Monthly Breakfasts
We are well known for our famous Breakfast held on the 3rd Sunday of the month and from the generous patrons, each month sees the Council make donations to needy groups in the City.
Mini Bingo
The Council also operates a Bingo on Tuesday evenings at the Msgr. Osbourne Center beginning at 6:30 PM. All are welcome.
To learn more about the Knights of Columbus, contact:
Fearon Currie, Grand Knight at
Philip Armstrong, Director of recruiting at 506-721-4949 (call or text)
Facebook: Council 17984