
 Sunday Liturgy

Saturday: 5:00 pm

Sunday: 11:00 am

Mission Statement

We are a welcoming Christian community called to embrace and respect the uniqueness of each individual as we join together in our faith and worship.  Our ongoing   mission is to engage our youth, promote renewal, out reach, evangelization and ecumenical cooperation.



Monday, July 8th – 9:00 am                              Gordon Fitzgerald (Anniv)

Tuesday, July 9th – 9:00 am                              John Quigg

Wednesday, July 10th – 9:00 am                    Tammy Girouard

Thursday, July 11th – 9:00 am                          Joseph Leonard Kane

Friday, July 12th – 9:00 am                                No Mass                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Saturday, July 13th – 5:00 pm                          Betty Boyer

Sunday, July 14th – 11:00 am                           Roy Gardiner                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Weekly Reflections (Homily) from Msgr. Sheehan (Updated July 4th, 2024) 


Dear friends;

            Where do we look for wisdom?  To whom do we go for answers?  Who satisfies our probing of questions?

            The answer to all of these questions – is unfortunately – rarely the persons who might have them – near usliving right with uspeople we know, and have always known.

            We would never turn to them, or really listen to them, or accept what they might say – because, we claim, we know them, we know who they are, and where they come from.

            It happens to us all – and it happened to Jesus.

            It is a timeless truth, expressed by Jesus – by a proverb – “no prophet is accepted by his own, and in his own country.”  It was an ancient proverb –

            People will always listen to a “guru” from afar… or an “expert”… but rarely to a local person who might say exactly the same thing – even better – or more profoundly…

            Let me give you an example:

            I remember once I was speaking to a neighbor of mine about someone dear to me who was going through marriage difficulties.

            And I laid out the situation – but moreso my worry, and concern for this couple… and my neighbor – and average guy – listened attentively… without interrupting – (more than an average guy) and I suggested that we may as priests, preachers, marriage counsellors… parents… etc. … talk too much of ideals in marriage and relationship…

            He answered, -- very quickly and directly – “You know Brian – the big problem with all of us… is that none of us are prepared or learn how to handle failure… we’re never taught that!!”

            I immediately remembered – this wonderful book by an American Jesuit that I cherished – “The Theology of Failure.”

            I loved it – because it was so original.  Its’ chapters had to do with – Failure, -- The Church Fails – Jesus Fails – etc. … things I had never seen written before.

            Now had – the author – come and sat down and given a talk on this subject from afar… we would all be raving at his wisdom… and learning… and astuteness… and originality!

            Yet here in my backyard… an ordinary person… my neighbor… offered me – because of his lived experience… and reflection… the very answer that this learned and well-educated, theologian and philosopher – offered in his book…

            The family of Jesus, his relatives – “took offence at him”… -- “we know him… he is the son of Mary…”

            There was a block… they cut off from acceptance… one who was offering them something… something very precious… very valuable…

            They rejected it from him… because they said he “is one of us…”

            When God spoke to Ezekiel the prophet… and he saw visions… his mission was to go to the people with full knowledge that he would meet rejection – and people would refuse to hear – but look how God addresses him:

“Mortal, I am sending you to the people of Israel…” 

‘Mortal’… a finite being… a human being… the message come through humans – through people… through relatives – through Paul… a man beset by weakness – with a “thorn” in his flesh… and embarrassment and pain…

           What is this fascination with the extraordinary, with visions, with gurus, with signs, with appearances…?

            The message is revealed in weakness, in everyday people and events…

            We make faith and the things of faith – out of reach of people when we focus so exclusively in the extraordinary, on miracles, on happenings…

          The things of faith, the stuff of faith, the message of faith… is revealed by “mortals” in everyday life… by and ordinary neighbor who drops in at a providential moment… and you are concerned, worried, anxious about a loved one…

            And just sitting on the verandah… in a quiet, reflective conversation – without even knowing it says something which evokes peace, and hope – and solace… “we all have to learn how to handle failure… we’ve never been taught that.”

            It happens when a relative… comes home… he is still the brother and sister… the cousin… the son of this or that… he was speaking… as he was doing in every other town… he had wonderful things for them to hear… things to do… but they missed them… he couldn’t do them there… all because they said… it would be too ordinary… what could this one ever tell us about God… we know who he is… how sad that their minds were closed…!

            The mysteries of life are revealed in the very people you often interchange with everyday… and we miss it because we think they wouldn’t be able to reveal to us things we don’t know or understand… but they can and they do, if we but listen and accept them.
